ZEISS Reverse Engineering 2.8

ZEISS has been operating in the field of reverse engineering and tool correction for over 20 years. Since summer 2019, ZEISS Reverse Engineering has a new structure: as a basic module, it is used for reverse engineering that includes the two options “Tool Correction” and “Volume Calculation.” Users can thus select the one that suits their application. The user guidance is extremely straightforward: users are guided through the software step by step. This reduces training costs considerably – a three-day seminar is all you need to get to know the ins and outs of the software.

Reverse engineering is an important step to extract the design data from a finished component (CAD model). The component first needs to be scanned. Next, the point clouds (all ASCII formats) or meshes (STL data) are imported to ZEISS Reverse Engineering. The point clouds or meshes (STL data) can be processed there thanks to a variety of effective functions. In just a few steps, you will have a watertight CAD model that can be exported to standard CAD formats.

ZEISS Reverse Engineering - ZRE Sketching
ZEISS Reverse Engineering - How to Scan to CAD for freeform

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